Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Exfil is a weekly Escape From Tarkov Podcast
Changing task rewards is a normal thing in MMOs, right?
What about changing the ability to ‘earn’ some of the best cases in the game?
The entire Tarkov community, it seemed like, was on fire about the removal of the THICC weapon and item cases from their respective task rewards.
MTB and Ronal talk about how this effects their playstyle and why they think this change was made. Ultimately it led to a discussion about the impact RMT might be having on Tarkov.
Additionally, they talk about lessons learned from helping new players that recently discovered EFT as well as their experiments with using all guns on single fire. You might be surprised at the outcome!
These topics and more inside the episode!
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal at the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
Website - www.xpmedianow.com
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Exfil is an Escape From Tarkov Podcast
GeeksEh volume 3
We welcome back Geekseh for the third time as we’ve all settled into the wipe and fresh changes that 12.6 has brought.
Last time Geek was on there was a notable discussion about what the find in raid changes were going to do to the economy, playstyles, and overall economy. This episode picks up on the heels of that conversation to see who was right.
Who do you think is right?
Ultimately, these topics led to some amazing conversation about where the game is going, how Battlestate could modify in game systems to better support casual players (without hurting the hardcore players), and a deep dive into the speed of overall progression.
The episode wraps with a ‘looking forward’ segment with the host’s and Geekseh’s thoughts about the customs overhaul, sanitar the shoreline boss, and the (potential) skill wipe and overhaul.
These topics and more inside the episode!
Find Geekseh and his content:
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
As we all settle into our 2nd week of the new 12.6 wipe things have changed quite a bit from our first week.
The tables have turned a bit - Ronal has unlocked the flea market and has some tips for those that are struggling with the early game. MTB is in the mid 20s and has started to run into some of the tasks that require rare find-in-raid items or larger quantities of find-in-raid items.
The majority of the conversation, however, is centered around which guns are efficient in the early game. Ronal and MTB talk about which guns they have really enjoyed using and why. Also make sure to check out the early-wipe guide from our guest from the last episode, The1Heart - Blog Link
Best early game efficient weapons:
ADAR, SKS, AKs (basically all of them), VEPR (7.62x39 is preferred, but both versions are great, and the controversial mosin.
To break it down further the SKS and VEPR’s are great because the ammo (PS 7.62x39) is available early without a limit and you can also regularly find large stacks of it on scavs you kill.
AKs and ADARs are slightly different in that the ammo available from level 1 traders is not the best (keep in mind that nothing is horrible) but the ammo that generally drops from the scavs is quite good. You will regularly get BP in AKs and m855 in ADARs.
Guns that are very good, but not very efficient in the early game include the SVDS, Hunter, SA58, and VSS. The ammo for these guns is incredibly good, but not unlocked until at least trader level 2. It can be a great gun to take in a for one or two raids, but these will end up costing a significant amount in ammo if you have to purchase off the flea (or if you are under level 10 it will not be available).
The hosts talk about the mosin being a great option if you like the bolt action, but if you aren’t comfortable hitting an enemy with your first two shots you might want to avoid it.
Lastly, the hosts talk about some of their favorite items to target for high-value looting from scavs. Namely the PK06, dovetail mounts, and the pistol grip that is regularly found on the mp133/153
These topics and more inside the episode!
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast featuring guest The1Heart (@The1Heart_) and hosts MTBtrigger and Ronal
In this episode we dive into our gameplay and feelings after playing the first week of a new wipe for the first time.
MTB recalls his most memorable encounter while completing the pocket watch task on customs. After killing multiple PMCs and SCAVs he found himself clearing out the construction yard, but he missed one scav. While unlocking the door to the truck he heard the scav hell, turned, and was helpless for a moment as the scav shot at him. Fortunately, the unlocking animation completed and he was able to kill the scav and complete the task.
After the initial ‘what happened this week’ everyone talked about how they were enjoying the new patch and the conversation moved toward the find in raid change.
Is the flea market being at level 10 too much with the find in raid change?
Will it kill the fun for a casual player?
We won’t spoil it here but MTBtrigger, The1Heart, and Ronal all have very different views on the game in its 12.6 state and how it will move forward.
These topics and more inside the episode!
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Thursday May 28, 2020
12.6 Patch Notes Reaction & Review
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Ronal and MTB break down the Escape From Tarkov 12.6 patch notes
You can also watch them on the talk show version on Youtube - www.youtube.com/xpmedianow
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast
On this episode MTB and Ronal talk about the task system at large after MTBtrigger talks through his final tasks, and the challenges he had completing them to get the kappa container.
The big revelation that came out of completing the Kappa quests was that it is very difficult, and almost ruins the fun, when you try to get one task complete. Specifically, MTB talks about how trying to get players into the ‘shooter born in heaven’ situation on Interchange is super challenging when that is ALL you are trying to do. Other players do not want to be shot at long distances… they don’t stand still… UGH. Both hosts then recall that some of their best experiences in the game are when they just take what the game gives them and aren’t super focused on getting something done. We know it can’t always be this way, but Tarkov gets VERY challenging, especially in PVP, when you have just ONE thing to do - we’ll be working on ways to not put ourselves in this situation again.
This concept led into the hosts talking about their experience with world of warcraft and the evolution of quests over time in that MMO world. They debated whether a rotating daily or weekly task system would be viable. Furthermore they talked about the sustainability of a relatively unchanging task system with the only end game result being a larger secure container
MTB tries to get some Flea Market Illuminati information out of Ronal - he fails.
Ronal pivots into a conversation about how he is using his last days, weeks, or however long this patch lasts, to practice using very little gear and fighting geared players. Unkitted AKs, no grenades, and class 2 or 3 armor.
Lastly, ‘we’ (MTB and Ronal), get a TON of questions about upgrading PCs, buying new PCs, and the ‘best’ settings in game. The truth is there are a number of things that are very helpful to in game performance that have nothing to do with Tarkov itself. Many of these are windows settings or hardware settings. Ronal, putting his IT background to use, goes through, in great detail (click by click) and shows you how to optimize your computer and then jumps into the settings for Tarkov itself to help you get the BEST POSSIBLE PERFORMANCE out of this game. Check this video out - many people have been responding and let us know that they are seeing VERY significant improvements to in game FPS.
If you’ve never really messed around with your computer settings - check it out
If you just recently made the switch from console to PC - check it out
If you purchased a pre-built computer - check it out
MTB talks about it on the episode - he has done a tone of optimization videos, this one is slower and has a walkthrough and he learned quite a few things doing it.
This is far more than just making sure your graphics settings are correct - we HIGHLY recommend you go check this video out - https://youtu.be/1dtTJxcfkl4
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast featuring returning guest Geekseh
On this episode we welcome back Geekseh for the second time.
For more background information on Geekseh, make sure to check out episode 11 of The Exfil at - Google | Spotify
Geekseh has started a hardcore account that he is playing through on his stream occasionally so the hosts asked what the exact rules are for a hardcore account - if you’re approaching a spot where you really want to make the game more challenging check out the hardcore ruleset. It includes things like you can only put keys in your gamma, you can’t use the flea market, you can only use money for upgrading traders and hideout, and much more!
Perhaps the most interesting part of this conversation are the things you learn from playing this way - how important sound is, knowing the barters inside and out, and the importance of waiting.
Find in raid change. For the unfamiliar, in the next wipe/patch 12.6 it will be required that an item is found in raid to be posted on the flea market for other players to purchase. This is a very significant change from the current patch as items purchased from traders and those looted off enemies or found in raid can all be sold on the flea market
This topic takes up the meat of the show and the hosts take a look at it from as many perspectives as possible. Perhaps the most interesting question asked during this segment was what the host’s, and Geekseh’s, opinions are regarding the percentage of the player population that hit level 40 (thus unlocking the ability to have max level traders and thus a majority of the items and trades available for direct purchase).
It was on the heels of this conversation that Geekseh accused Ronal of being a part of the Flea Market Illuminati (a fictional [maybe?] group of people with a secret discord that conspire against everyone to control the flea market).
So while a rivalry was born everyone shared their strategies for the wipe for leveling, gaining gear, and how to make money.
Goodluck out there! We hope you enjoy the conversation about the wipe and if you happen to be a part of the flea market illuminati let us know or flash us the secret hand signal - we’d love to hear from you!
Find Geekseh and his content:
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast Featuring: Jeremiah Fraites of the Lumineers
On this episode, your hosts, MTBtrigger and Ronal, were joined by Jeremiah Fraites (aka Jer) of the Lumineers.
Jeremiah is one of the founders of the band, but has enjoyed gaming in his free time and has recently taken up Tarkov.
They talk about the challenging uptake of the game and how he has been using his free time, after his family goes to bed, to stream and play Tarkov.
Also included in the episode is an in-depth look at some of the unique sounds that have been created in Jeremiah’s music. All of this stemming from a question about what it is currently like while being stuck at home (no studio time or touring) and creating music for his solo album.
This led to some inside info on where some of the ‘background’ noise comes from and when it should or shouldn’t be allowed in music. It is fascinating to listen to someone who creates music talk about the process and philosophy behind some of the well known songs, Donna for example.
The episode is rounded out by a conversation of a rabbit hole of Tarkov. They talked everything from team killing to post-wipe strategy (and fear). Perhaps the most unique part of the conversation was discussing how to get better at the game and a discovery the MTB tells everyone, at least Ronal and Jer, the same story about their progression.
Goodluck out there! We hope you enjoy the interview!
Jeremiah Fraites Links:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/jeremiahfraites
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/jeremiahfraites
Spotify (Lumineers) - https://open.spotify.com/artist/16oZKvXb6WkQlVAjwo2Wbg?si=mLMyPW9aQYKHTf11Q-0RLg
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast
The hosts learned a new term this week. Brad.
They also had a good laugh about it. Brad, if you’re wondering, is referring to someone, likely running alongside a geared player (chad) who looks the same, but seems to be a bit… lost. Everyone can probably relate to being new and being shown around by someone who knows what they’re doing which caused Ronal and MTBtrigger to think back to their days as a Brad… Perhaps they still have some Brad-like tendencies.
The two main topics this week are ‘what to do before the wipe happens’ and ‘post-wipe strategy’.
It has been noticed that once the wipe has been announced (best guess is 2 to 3 weeks from this episode going live, but that is pure speculation) that many players use this time to gear up and run maps that they want to learn. Factory, MTB’s favorite, seems to be attracting a lot of super geared players and many of them are now running in larger groups.
Ronal talked about using this time to learn loot runs to be ready for having zero gear, but he also talked about learning areas of maps that he was avoiding previously, but has now found it fun to PVP in. Factory and the dorms area of Customs were the two locations discussed. Customs, in particular, was spoken about due to the advantage you can gain over other players by learning the different sounds in the dorms as well as using distraction, by means of grenades, to conceal your movement and flanks.
Shortly after this, an unplanned discussion broke out between the two of them about the impact of the proposed flea market change requiring that items have the ‘found in raid’ flag to be posted for sale. The hosts speculated back and forth about what this could mean for the playerbase and for the economy. While Ronal and MTB aren’t pure rat or pure chad, respectively, this lead to a very interesting debate about how this will affect each play style, and specifically casual players, and ultimately led to a difference of opinion regarding the flea market change. What side are you on? Do you think this is a good change? Do you think it was done specifically to combat hatchet/pistol runners? Do you think a different approach should have been taken by Battlestate?
For our hosts, this will be the first major change (and wipe) that they experience so the optimism and simultaneous concern regarding the changes led to one of the best conversations around game mechanics to date.
Goodluck out there! Let us know how you feel about the find in raid tag being required for selling items on the flea market!
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
An Escape From Tarkov Podcast - Veritas interview
On this episode, your hosts, MTBtrigger and Ronal, have the chance to sit down and talk with Veritas.
Veritas is perhaps best known for his YouTube channel where he breaks down items and systems in Tarkov giving players a way to make informed decisions about what to use.
While most players will likely discover his videos if they search anything related to escape from tarkov, he also streams on twitch full time, developed an app - Battle Buddy, produces his own music on Spotify, and did we mention he is a full time software engineer on top of all that?
Right off the bat Veritas jumps into his gaming history - from the earliest gaming memories to the most impactful games that led him to content creation. On the list - Mario, GTA 3, COD4, and counter-strike.
It wasn’t until very recently (roughly 2016) that Veritas started creating content, but he attributes the ‘creative’ side to his dad. His dad, also an engineer, had the key characteristic of when something broke he would learn how to fix or build it - one notable memory is of his was his dad building a drum set from scratch.
Many other impactful stories are told - finding music videos on a computer his dad was fixing for a friend, learning to make videos as proof for a competitive call of duty ‘league’, and much more in the episode.
When the conversation turns to Tarkov, it started with how Battle Buddy (Veritas’ app that helps with things like ammo and gear comparisons) came to be, including what framework it was developed on for both android and iOS. Veritas talks about his plans for the app which may even include completely rewriting the code.
The episode is rounded out by a fascinating discussion on what Tarkov ‘is’,what it could be, and where the hosts (and Veritas) think it will end up.
Goodluck out there! We hope you enjoy the interview!
Veritas Links:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/veritas
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkS33XH4KH0IqD2S2-f7ovA
Website - https://www.veritas.wtf
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2S6iwClVoSNnpOcCzyMeUj?si=20x35fWBR26CaQlpgAy0uA
Battle Buddy - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tarkov-battle-buddy/id1476820880
Catch up with MTBTrigger or Ronal on the EXFIL discord: https://discord.gg/deU7RSs
Patreon is now live and active for those that are looking to directly support the podcast - https://www.patreon.com/XPMedianow (Thanks to those of you that nudged us to create this)
Podcast Direct Contact & Socials:
Twitter - @EXFILpodcast
Email - EXFILpodcast@gmail.com
Youtube - XPMedianow
MTBtrigger Contact:
Twitter - @mtbtrigger
Twitch - twitch.tv/mtbtrigger
Ronalgaming Contact:
Twitter - @ronalgaming
Discord - Ronal#8004